
3 Exiting Ways to Spend Your Next Long Weekend


Far too many people work too hard and never take any breaks. They might have the weekends to themselves or a long weekend every once in a while, but they don’t actually enjoy them. They sit around and complain about work. Rather than doing something fun and trying new and exciting experiences, they sit and they think about how badly they don’t want to go to work on Monday. It’s not healthy.

It’s time to change your weekend and long weekend behavior so you can start making the most of your time and rejuvenating yourself for your workweek.

No more just watching Netflix on the couch during the day. It’s time to get out and do something exciting and new. Here are some excellent ways to spend a long weekend this summer:

  • Bus tours to New York City — You and either your immediate family or a group of your closest friends can rent a bus and travel all around one of the most iconic cities in the world. If you’ve never been to the Big Apple you should start planning a trip right away. But even if you have been, this is a great way to rejuvenate and add some much-needed excitement into your life.
  • Camping with the family — The best way to decompress is to head to the wilderness and spend time underneath the stars. It’s important to note, however, that a camping trip will be ruined if one person spends more than one minute on their phone. NO TECHNOLOGY during the camping trip. Leave all the phones at home aside from one in the car just in case of an emergency. You need to decompress at some point and spending a few days and nights in the wilderness with no texting, Facebook, or emails is the perfect way to do it.
  • Head to a music festival — There are over 19,000 airports, heliports, seaplane bases, and other landing facilities across the United States — find out online where the next great music festival is and fly to one of them!

If you’re ready to go on some awesome charter bus tours to NYC and actually start enjoying your weekends and long weekends, give Delaware Express a call right away.